Solon Veterans Memorial Park
6288 Som Center Rd
Solon, Ohio 44139
The Solon Veteran’s Memorial Park was completely redesigned in 2008 and 2009. Prominently located at the southwest corner of SOM Center and
Bainbridge Roads the park is a key component of the overall Center of Town Plan which focuses on the SOM Center Rd. and Bainbridge Rd. intersection. The new design include a new gazebo fashioned after the original Solon Gazebo, and also compliments the architecture of Fire Station No. 2 located immediately behind it. The Veteran’s War
Memorial plaza is prominently located nearest the intersection of Bainbridge Rd. and SOM Center Rd. where memorial monuments honors those Solon residents that have lost their lives in the line of duty. Flags, fountain, and seating area are also provided.
Categories: Entertainment, Family